2021 is upon us! We hope your year has gotten off to a good start in spite of the challenges we are all experiences.
Do you like to set resolutions for each new year?
Do you want to change some habits in your life?
How about adding changing your mindset to your resolution(s) for 2021?
Philippians 4:8-9 is a challenge from God that requires both physical and mental commitment.
Note: Although this scripture is Jesus warning the disbelieving Israelites that the future will be a worse situation than they were in the past, there are some additional takeaways from this scripture.
Have you ever tried to change an old habit, saw some progress but in the end, you are in a worse situation than where you were previously?
Well, the key is to replace bad habits with good habits. If you're trying to reduce or eliminate eating candy, you need to find a healthy snack to replace it. If you are trying to quit smoking, you need to identify your triggers and then replace the cigarettes with a healthy substitute (not vaping) that you can go to when you are triggered.
The following are suggested good habits to incorporate in your life:
- Begin Each Day with Time for Yourself
- Question your Motives in All that You Do
- Remind Yourself of What You CAN Control
- Don’t Take Anything Personally
- Embrace the Differences in Others
- Be Encouraging to Others
- Make an Overall Goals List
- Clearly State your Wants and Needs
- Practice Gratitude
- Quickly Resolve Conflict
- Own Your Actions and Reactions
- Spend Time with Nature
- Dream
- Laugh
- Dance Like No One is Watching
And for you sugar addicts, one suggestion is to eat dark chocolate. A suggested brand is
ChocZero. Their products don't contain soy or sugar alcohols. It is keto-friendly without artificial sweeteners. And best of all besides the taste, they use slavery-free cocoa beans.
Click these links for delicious healthy ways to prepare some of our favorite foods.
We are dedicated to keeping our congregation safe physically and spiritually.
So for up to date info, we've linked our blog to the US CDC and NC Covid-19 Information Hub sites for up to date information.
As we continue on in 2021, lets ask God to help us look at our world, situations and circumstances through the "healthy or good eye" and not the "bad eye". In the book of Matthew it says "
“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” (Matthew 6:22-23). -NIV
When we see things through the "bad eye" we are not able to see the good in situations, circumstances or people. Lets allow God to change our mindsets so that we see the world as He does, as a place full of potential where there are things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable , excellent and praiseworthy.
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